Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
- Las restricciones cuantitativas al comercio: el costo del racionamiento a las importaciones
- Las tendencias de la pobreza y la desigualdad: una evidencia para los departamentos de Colombia
- Las transferencias intergubernamentales y el gasto local en Colombia
- Las transferencias procesadas por ACH Colombia: un análisis desde la perspectiva de topología de redes
- Latin America
- Latin America
- Latin America
- Latin America and the Global Financial Crisis
- Latin America in the Rearview Mirror
- Latin America in the Rearview Mirror
- Latin America's Growth and Equity Frustrations During Structural Reforms
- Latin America: Comments on Financial Regulation and International Capital Flows in Latin America
- Latin American Exchange Rate Dependencies: A Regular Vine Copula Approach
- Latin American Middle Classes: The Distance Between Perception and Reality
- Lauchlin Currie y la macroeconomía convencional
- Leaders’ distributional & efficiency effects in collective responses to policy: Lab-in-field experiments with small-scale gold miners in Colombia
- Learning inequality during Covid-19: Evidence from secondary schools in Colombia
- Learning losses during the COVID-19 pandemic: Evidence from Mexico
- Learning to Choose a Commodity-Money: Carl Menger's Theory of Imitation and the Search Monetary Framework
- Learning, Career Paths, and the Distribution of Wages
- Least Protected, Most Affected: Impacts of Migration Regularization Programs on Pandemic Resilience
- Lecciones de la experiencia brasileña de fomento a las exportaciones
- Lecciones de las crisis financieras recientes para el diseño e implementación de las políticas monetarias y financieras en Colombia
- Leisure Preferences, Long-Run Risks, and Human Capital Returns
- Léon Walras and Augustin Cournot on the Regulation of Paper Money: Rules vs. Discretion at the End of the 19th Century [Leon Walras y Augustin Cournot sobre la Regulación del Papel Moneda: Reglas v
- Les fonds souverains du point de vue des pays en développement
- Les nouvelles routes polaires changeront peu la géographie du commerce mondial
- Les pays en développement et la gouvernance financière internationale
- Leverage Dynamics and Credit Quality
- Leverage Pro-cyclicality and Bank Balance Sheet in Colombia