Integración y vulnerabilidad externa en Colombia
Integrating youth mental health into cash transfer programmes in response to the COVID-19 crisis in low-income and middle-income countries
Integration in Gasoline and Ethanol Markets in Brazil over Time and Space under the Flex-fuel Technology
Integration Of Non-Conventional Renewable Energy and Spot Price of Electricity: A Counterfactual Analysis For Colombia
Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade of Agricultural Products
Intellectual Property Rights, Imitation, and Development. The Effect on Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions
Intellectual Property Rights, Trade Agreements, and International Trade
Intention-Based Economic Theories of Reciprocity
Intentos recientes de redenominación del peso colombiano: una visión histórica
Inter and Intra-regional Segmentation in the colombian Labour Market, 2001-2006 [Segmentación inter e intrarregional en el mercado laboral urbano de colombia, 2001-2006]
Interbank relationship lending revisited: Are the funds available at a similar price
Interbank relationship lending: A network perspective
Interdependent capital structure choices and the macroeconomy
Interdependent Value Auctions with Insider Information: Theory and Experiment
Interest Rate Convergence Across Maturities: Evidence from Bank Data in an Emerging Market Economy
Interest Rate Pass Through and Asymmetries in Retail Deposit and Lending Rates: An Analysis Using Data from Colombian Banks
Interest Rate Pass-Through in Colombia: a Micro-Banking Perspective
Interest Spreads in Banking in Colombia, 1974-96
Intergenerational Mobility in Latin America
Intergenerational Mobility, Sibling InequaliTY and Borrowing Constraints
Intergenerational Transfers and the Fertility–Income Relationship
Internal Price Stabilization Tools in the Colombian Sugar Market: Do They Work?
International Banking and Cross-Border Effects of Regulation: Lessons from the United States
International Banking and Liquidity Risk Transmission: Evidence from the United States
International Financial Reform: the Broad Agenda
International Remittances and Child Welfare: A Case Study on Cali Colombia
International Technology Adoption, R&D, and Productivity Growth
International trade and “Catching up with the Joneses”: Are the consumption patterns convergent?
International Transport Costs and the Margins of Intra-Latin American Maritime Trade
Internet-Based Corporate Disclosure and Market Value: Evidence from Latin America