Artículo RDF
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- Nonparametric Estimation of Returns to Scale Using Input Distance Functions: an Application to Large U.S. Banks
- Norms from Outside and from Inside: an Experimental Analysis on the Governance of Local Ecosystems
- Not all group members are created equal: heterogeneous abilities in inter-group contests
- Notas sobre la economía política del Caribe colombiano
- Note on Idea Diffusion Models with Cohort Structures
- Nowcasting Economic Activity with Electronic Payments Data: A Predictive Modeling Approach
- Nuevas evidencias de la crisis caleña
- Nuevas tendencias en el endeudamiento externo colombiano
- Nuevo enfoque para la construcción de un único indicador líder de la actividad económica colombiana
- Numerical and Experimental Methodology to Measure the Thermal Efficiency of Pots on Electrical Stoves
- Numerical Method for the Calibration of DSGE Models [Método numérico para la calibración de un modelo DSGE]
- Nursing‐homes' competition and distributional implications when the market is two‐sided
- Nutrición y salud infantil en Colombia: determinantes y alternativas de política
- O mercado mundial do café e o surgimento da Colômbia como um país cafeicultor
- Obelix vs. Asterix: Size of US Commercial Banks and its Regulatory Challenge
- Obesity and Health-Related Decisions: An Empirical Model of the Determinants of Weight Status Across the Transition from Adolescence to Young Adulthood
- Observed and Unobserved Heterogeneity in the Price Setting Behavior of Colombian Consumer Prices [Heterogeneidad observada y no observada en la formación de los precios del ipc Colombiano]
- Obstacles to Progress in R&D Activities Caused by Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks: The Case of the Biotech Sector in Colombia
- Ofertas públicas de adquisición y su efecto sobre la rentabilidad de los mercados accionarios: el caso de Nutresa y sura en Colombia
- Off the Charts: Massive Unexplained Heterogeneity in a Global Study of Ambiguity Attitudes
- Oil news shocks and the U.S. stock market
- Oil Palm Development and Forced Displacement in Colombia: Causal or Spurious?
- Oil Price Shocks And Industrial Production: Is The Relationship Linear?
- Oil Price Shocks and the U.S. Stock Market: Do Sign and Size Matter?
- Oil Price Shocks and U.S. Economic Activity
- Oil Price Shocks, Inventories, And Macroeconomic Dynamics
- Oil Price Shocks, Systematic Monetary Policy, And The “Great Moderation”
- Oil Prices Impact on the GDP of the Pacific Alliance Countries [Impacto del precio del petróleo sobre el PIB de los países de la Alianza del Pacífico*]
- Oil prices uncertainty, endogenous regime switching, and inflation anchoring
- Oil Shocks and Aggregate Macroeconomic Behavior: The Role of Monetary Policy: Comment