Artículo RDF
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- Volatility spillovers and the global financial cycle across economies: Evidence from a global semi-structural model
- Volatility Spillovers in Energy Markets
- Volatility Transmission between US and Latin American Stock Markets: Testing the Decoupling Hypothesis
- Voter information campaigns and political accountability: Cumulative findings from a preregistered meta-analysis of coordinated trials
- Voting in Large Committees with Disesteem Payoffs: A ‘State of the Art’ Model
- Voting over Type and Generosity of a Pension System when some Individuals are Myopic
- Vulnerabilidad de los hogares en Colombia ante cambios en el ciclo económico
- Vulnerability of European electricity markets: A quantile connectedness approach
- Vulnerability of Victims of Civil Conflicts: Empirical Evidence for the Displaced Population in Colombia
- Wage Adjustment Practices and the Link between Price and Wages: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms
- Wage Gap by Geographic Location and Ethnicity in Cali (Colombia) [Brechas salariales por etnia y ubicación geográfica en Santiago de Cali]
- Wage Indexation, Inflation Inertia, and the Cost of Disinflation
- Wage Inequality in Colombia 1984-2005: Changes in the Labor Maket Composition and Returns of the Post-secondary Education [Desigualdad salarial en Colombia 1984-2005: Cambios en la composición del mercado laboral y retornos a la educación postsecundaria]
- Wage–employment elasticity: a meta-analysis referring to Colombia
- Wage-setting Decisions on Newly Hired Employees: Survey Evidence from Colombian Firms
- Wages and Productivity: the Role of Labour Market Institutions in OECD Countries
- Walk this way: Pedestrian accessibility and equity in Barranquilla and Soledad, Colombia
- Want Export Diversification? Educate The Kids First
- Was global deforestation under lockdown?
- Water Reforms, Decentralization and Child Mortality in Colombia, 1990–2005
- Waves and Determinants in Mergers and Acquisitions: the Case of Latin America
- Wealth and Income Inequality in Europe
- Wealth Gradients in Early Childhood Cognitive Development in Five Latin American Countries
- Wealth Inequality and the Great Recession
- Weather conditions, climate change, and the price of electricity
- Webquests: an educational Support Tool in Public and non Profit Marketing
- Welfare Effects of Switching Barriers Through Permanence Clauses: Evidence from the Mobiles Market in Colombia
- Welfare Gains of the Poor: An endogenous Bayesian Approach with Spatial Random Effects
- Were Mankiw, Romer, And Weil Right? A Reconciliation Of The Micro And Macro Effects Of Schooling On Income
- What Determines University Student’s Willingness to Pay for Bikeways?