Artículo RDF
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- What do People Bring into the Game? Experiments in the Field about Cooperation in the Commons
- What Drives the Choice of the Type of Partner in R&D Cooperation? Evidence for Spanish Manufactures and Services
- What Executives Should Know About Structural Credit Risk Models and their Limitations: a Primer with Examples
- What Explains Schooling Differences Across Countries?
- What Have We Learned from the Changeover to the Euro?: Lessons for Accession Countries from Catalonian Firms
- What Is the Price of Freedom? Estimating Women’s Willingness to Pay for Job Schedule Flexibility
- What is the Value of Desertion? [¿Cuánto vale desertar?]
- What Makes Reforms Likely: Political Economy Determinants of Reforms in Latin America
- What Motivates Common Pool Resource Users? Experimental Evidence from the Field
- When Bubble Meets Bubble: Contagion in OECD Countries
- When Collective Ignorance is Bliss: Theory and Experiment on Voting for Learning
- When Does Policy Reform Work? The Case of Central Bank Independence
- When ingroup favoritism is not the social norm a lab-in-the-field experiment with victims and non-victims of conflict in Colombia
- When losses can be a gain. A large lab-in-the-field experiment on reference dependent forgiveness in Colombia
- When Multiple Objectives Meet Multiple Instruments: Identifying Simultaneous Monetary Shocks
- When voters like to be right: An analysis of the Condorcet Jury Theorem with mixed motives
- When Women’s Work Disappears: Marriage and Fertility Decisions in Peru
- Where do Jobs Go When Oil Prices Drop?
- Where is the Money? Post-disaster Foreign Aid Flows
- Which Firms are More Sensitive to Public Disclosure Schemes for Pollution Control? Evidence from Indonesia’s PROPER Program
- Which Health Conditions Cause the Most Unhappiness?
- Who Choose the Education Degree in colombia? Characterizing the Education Students Using their Performance in the Test Saber 11º [¿Quiénes eligen carreras en educación en Colombia? Caracterización desde el desempeño en las pruebas Saber 11º]
- Who Pays and Who Gains from Fuel Policies in Brazil?
- Who Wants Violence? The Political Economy of Conflict and State Building in Colombia
- Wholesale funding runs, global banks' supply of liquidity insurance, and corporate investment
- Wholesale price rigidities and exchange rate pass-through: Evidence from daily data of agricultural products
- Whom is Unemployment Affecting? Analysis of the Incidence Rate in Colombia
- Why are Gasoline Prices Sticky? A Test of Alternative Models of Price Adjustment
- Why Don't They Lend? Credit Stagnation in Latin America
- Why Have So Many Disinflations Succeeded?