Artículo RDF
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- Thirlwall's Law and the Two-gap Model: Toward a Unified 'Dynamic Gap' Model
- Thomas C. Schelling: la paradoja de un economista errante
- Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century
- Three-part Tariffs and Short-run Rationality in the Local Fixed Telephone Consumption: Empirical Evidence from medellín
- Three-Part Tariffs and Short-Run Rationality in the Local Fixed Telephone Consumption: Empirical Evidence from Medellín 2
- Threshold effects and unit roots of real commodity prices since the mid-nineteenth century
- Threshold Transitions in a Regional Urban System
- Thresholds and indifference in stated choice surveys
- TIC y productividad en las industrias de servicios en Colombia
- Tierra, conflicto y debilidad del Estado en Colombia
- Time and Financial Capital in Marx’s Capital [Tempo e capital financeiro em O capital de Marx] [Tiempo y capital financiero en El Capital de Marx]
- Timing Foreign Exchange Markets
- Tipos de cambio y balanza comercial: comprobando la relación a corto y largo plazos con datos de los países latinoamericanos
- To Suggest is to Commit? A Common Pool Resource Experiment with Non-enforceable Recommendations
- To What Extent Do Latin Americans Trust, Reciprocate, and Cooperate? Evidence from Experiments in Six Latin American Countries
- Tobacco taxes and illicit cigarette trade in Colombia
- Too Late but Profitable: Railroads in Colombia During 1920–1950
- Too Late but Profitable: Railroads in Colombia during 1920–1950 [Demasiado tarde, pero rentables: los ferrocarriles en Colombia durante el período 1920-1950]
- Top Management Team Diversity and Ambidexterity: The Contingent Role of Shared Responsibility and CEO Cognitive Trust
- Tracing the Composition Changes of Japan's Consumer Budget, 1920-1980
- Tracking R of COVID-19: A New Real-Time Estimation Using the Kalman Filter
- Trade and Economic Geography: A Note on Krugman’s Contribution to Economic Theory
- Trade and Market Selection: Evidence from Manufacturing Plants in Colombia
- Trade between Colombia and East Asia: An Analysis Using a CGE Model
- Trade Integration in Colombia: a Dynamic General Equilibrium Study with New Exporter Dynamics
- Trade Integration, Industry Reallocation, and Welfare in Colombia
- Trade Liberalisation in Developing Economies: Modest Benefits but Problems with ProductiviTY Growth, Macro Prices, and Income Distribution
- Trade Liberalization and its Effects on Labor Fluidity: Evidence from Colombia
- Trade Liberalization and the Skill Premium in Developing Economies
- Trade Responses to Freight Rates: the Case of Intra Latiamerican Maritime Trade