The Quality of Employment and Labor Segmentation: An Analysis for the Colombian Labor Market 2001-2006 [Calidad del empleo y segmentación laboral: Un análisis para el mercado laboral colombiano 2001-2006]
The Quality vs. the Quantity of Schooling: What Drives Economic Growth?
The Race between Man and Machine: Implications of Technology for Growth, Factor Shares, and Employment
The Rational Expectations Hypothesis: An Assessment On Its Real World Application
The Real Winner's Curse
The Regional Investigation in Spain: a Bibliometric Analysis
The Regulation of Health Care Providers’ Payments when Horizontal and Vertical Differentiation Matter
The Relationship between Development, Investments, Insecurity and Social Conditions in Colombia: a Dynamic Approach
The Relationship between Energy Consumption and GDP: Evidence from a Panel of 10 Latin American Countries
The Relationship between Fiscal and Monetary Policies in Colombia: An Empirical Exploration of the Credit Channel
The Relationship Between Multidimensional Poverty, Income Poverty And Youth Depressive Symptoms: Cross-Sectional Evidence From Mexico, South Africa And Colombia
The Relationship between Perceptions of Insecurity, Social Capital and Subjective Well-being: Empirical Evidences from Areas of Rural Conflict in Colombia
The Relevance of International Transport Costs on Food Prices: Endogenous and Exogenous Effects
The Results In The Provision Of Public Education Under Different Decentralized Contexts: The Colombian Case
The Return Performance of Cubic Market Model an Application to Emerging Markets
The Revolution of the New Classics: Networks, Influence and Methodology [La revolución de los nuevos clásicos:Redes, influencia y metodología]
The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement
The Rise in Female Participation in Colombia: Fertility, Marital Status or Education?
The Rising Tide of Absolute Global Income Inequality During 1850–2010: Is It Driven by Inequality Within or Between Countries?
The Risk-Taking Channel and Monetary Transmission Mechanism in Colombia
The Risk-taking Channel in Colombia Revisited
The Role of Cognitive Abilities on Financial Literacy: New Experimental Evidence
The Role of Effort for Self-Insurance and Its Consequences for the Wealth Distribution
The Role of Future-oriented Technology Analysis in e-Government: a Systematic Review
The Role of Human Capital in Lowering the Barriers to Engaging in Innovation: Evidence from the Spanish Innovation Survey
The Role of Intermodal Transport in Port Regionalisation
The Role of Land Property Rights in the War on Illicit Crops: Evidence from Colombia
The Role of the Sub-national Public Sector in the Stabilization Function: Evidence from the Colombian Case for the Period 1990-2001
The Scientific Production in Economics and Business in Spain. Rankings of Universities in Terms of Production, Productivity, Quality and Impact in the Period 1994-2003
The Search and Matching Equilibrium in an Economy with an Informal Sector: A Positive Analysis of Labour Market Policies