Population and Development Redux
Population Displacement And Urban Conflict: Global Evidence From More Than 3300 Flood Events
Populist Policies in the Transition to Democracy
Port Efficiency and International Trade: Port Efficiency as a Determinant of Maritime Transport Costs
Port Geography at the Crossroads with Human Geography: Between Flows and Spaces
Port System Evolution – the Case of Latin America and the Caribbean
Port system evolution – the emergence of second-tier hubs
Port-centric logistics, dry ports and offshore logistics hubs: strategies to overcome double peripherality?
Portfolio Choice Under Local Industry and Country Factors
Portfolio Risk Assessment under Dynamic (Equi)Correlation and Semi-Nonparametric Estimation: An Application to Cryptocurrencies
Posición externa de largo plazo y tipo de cambio real de equilibrio en Colombia
Postura fiscal y crecimiento económico regional en Colombia
Poverty Dynamics and Graduation From Conditional Cash Transfers: A Transition Model For Mexico’s Progresa-Oportunidades-Prospera Program
Poverty Traps, Economic Inequality and Incentives for Delinquency
Poverty, Structural Transformation, and Land Use in El Salvador: Learning from Household Panel Data
PPP in OECD Countries: An Analysis of Real Exchange Rate Stationarity, Cross-Sectional Dependency and Structural Breaks
Precarious Democracies, Political Negotiation and Selective Predation
Precio del carbón y dinámica laboral en Valledupar
Precio del suelo y regalías en Colombia: un análisis espacial para los municipios productores de petróleo
Predictibilidad del mercado accionario colombiano
Predicting Early Career Productivity of PhD Economists: Does Advisor-Match Matter?
Predicting School Dropout with Administrative Data: New Evidence From Guatemala and Honduras
Preface Special Issue on Latin-American Transport Research
Preference Heterogeneity in Monetary Policy Committees
Preferences and Beliefs in a Sequential Social Dilemma: a Within-subjects Analysis
Preferences for Government Enforcement of a Common Pool Harvest Quota: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia
Presenteeism, Absenteeism, and Lost Work Productivity among Depressive Patients from Five Cities of Colombia
Pretrial detention and conviction
Prevalence, Economic Contribution, and Determinants of Trees on Farms Across Sub-Saharan Africa