Artículo RDF
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- Retos en la medición del desempeno económico y social
- Retrieving The Implicit Risk Neutral Density of WTI Options with A Semi-Nonparametric Approach
- Returning Home after Civil War: Food Security and Nutrition among Burundian Households
- Returns and the Interest Rate: a Non-Linear Relationship in the Bogotastock Market
- Revealing corruption: Firm and worker level evidence from Brazil
- Revenge of the Steamroller: ABCP as a Window on Risk Choices
- Reviving Brownfields
- Ricardo, Marx y Keynes ante la Ley de Say : fundamentos microeconomicos de esta ley y su critica
- Riesgo moral e información oculta antes de la conformación de equipos || Moral hazard and hidden information before the formation of the teams
- Riesgo moral y contratos: cierta evidencia experimental
- Riesgo sistémico Y estabilidad del sistema de pagos de alto valor en Colombia: análisis bajo
- Riesgo sistémico y estabilidad del sistema de pagos de alto valor en Colombia: análisis bajo topología de redes y simulación de pagos
- Riesgo sistémico, demanda agregada y precios de los productos básicos: aplicación a Colombia
- Riesgo, incertidumbre y política pública en vacunas
- Rigidities and adjustments of daily prices to costs: Evidence from supermarket data
- Risk Adjustment Revisited using Machine Learning Techniques
- Risk Attitudes and Economic Well-being in Latin America
- Risk Aversion and the Value of Life
- Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks
- Risk Preferences and Prenatal Exposure to Sex Hormones for Ladinos
- Risk Quantification for Commodity ETFs Backtesting Value-At-Risk and Expected Shortfall
- Risk Quantification in Turmoil Markets
- Risk spillovers of critical metals firms
- Risk Synchronization in International Stock Markets
- Risk, Concentration and Market Power in the Banking Industry: Evidence from the Colombian System (1997-2006)
- Robots and Jobs: Evidence from US Labor Markets
- Run-off Elections in the Laboratory [‘Sophisticated’ voting in the 1988 presidential primaries’]
- Sacrifice Ratios and Inflation Targeting: The Role of Credibility
- Sacrifice ratios and the income distribution: Stylized facts for OECD countries
- Sacrifice: An experiment on the political economy of extreme intergroup punishment