Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
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- Growth and Inclusion Trajectories of Colombian Functional Territories
- Guy, F.: The Global Environment of Business
- Habit Formation and the Persistence of Monetary Shocks
- Hacia la devaluación real, adiós bandas cambiarias
- Hacia una visión holística de la distancia en los negocios internacionales: el caso colombiano || Towards Holistic Version of Distance in International Business: The Colombian Case
- Hard and Soft Skills in Vocational Training: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
- Has the interaction between skewness and kurtosis of asset returns information content for risk forecasting?
- He Engel Curve for Health Services in Colombia: A Semiparametric Approach
- He Who Counts Elects: Economic Elites, Political Elites, and Electoral Fraud
- Head-enders as Stationary Bandits in Asymmetric Commons: Comparing Irrigation Experiments in the Laboratory and the Field
- Health Care Insurance Policies When the Provider and Patient May Collude
- Health Care Network Formation and Policyholders' Welfare
- Health Insurance and Diversity of Treatment
- Health Status and Labor Force Participation: Evidence for Urban Low and Middle Income Individuals in Colombia
- Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia
- Hebert A. Simon y la economía organizacional
- Hechos y palabras: la realidad colombiana vista a través de la prensa escrita
- Herbert A. Simon y la economía organizacional
- Herding Behaviour Inside the Board: an Experimental Approach
- Herramientas de estabilización de los precios internos del azúcar en Colombia: ¿Funcionan?
- Herramientas de política fiscal para aprovechar el cambio tecnológico sesgado en un entorno de desigualdad y crecimiento económico
- Heterogeneidad observada y no observada en la formación de los precios del IPC colombiano
- Heterogeneity and the Formation of Risk-sharing Coalitions
- Heterogeneity In The Effect Of College Expansion Policy On Wages: Evidence From The Russian Labor Market
- Heterogeneous Credit Union Production Technologies with Endogenous Switching and Correlated Effects
- Heterogeneous Effects of Agricultural Technical Assistance in Colombia
- Heterogeneous Labour Demand in the Colombian Manufacturing Sector
- Heterogeneous Self-Employment and Satisfaction in Latin America
- Heterogeneous Users and Willingness to Pay in an Ongoing Payment for Watershed Protection Initiative in the Colombian Andes