Artículo RDF
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- Information Policies and Higher Education Choices Experimental Evidence from Colombia
- Informed Entry in Auctions
- Informed Finance and Technological Change: Evidence from Credit Relationships
- Infraestructura pública y precios de vivienda: una aplicación de regresión geográficamente ponderada en el contexto de precios hedónicos
- Ingresos externos corrientes de Colombia: desempeño exportador, avances y retos
- Innovation and Employment: A Firm Level Analysis with European R&D Scoreboard Data
- Innovation and Employment: a Reinvestigation using Revised Pavitt Classes
- Innovation and Performance in the Long Run: the Case of Europe
- Innovation and Productivity in the Colombian Service and Manufacturing Industries
- Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities in Education: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania
- Installed capacity of photovoltaic solar energy in Colombia: An analysis of economic incentives
- Institutional Dimensions and Entrepreneurial Activity: an International Study
- Institutional fragmentation and metropolitan coordination in Latin American cities: Are there links with city productivity?
- Institutional Investor Heterogeneity and Firm Caluation: Evidence from Latin America
- Institutional Quality and Capital Inflows: Theory and Evidence
- Institutional Structure and Agency in the Governance of Spatial Diversification of Port System Evolution in Latin America
- Institutions for Financial Development: What are they and where do they come from?
- Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment
- Institutions, Infrastructure, and Economic Growth
- Insurance Use and Economic Growth in Latin America. Some Panel Data Evidence
- Integración espacial del mercado de la carne en las tres principales ciudades de Colombia: evidencia de las series de precios
- Integración espacial del mercado del café instantáneo y molido en las tres principales ciudades de colombia
- Integración espacial en el mercado de la guayaba pera en el Valle del Cauca
- Integración vertical en el sector colombiano de la salud