Inequality in National Inter-Generational Transfers: Evidence from Colombia
Inequality of Opportunity for Educational Achievement in Latin America: Evidence from PISA 2006–2009
Inequality of Opportunity in Adult Health in Colombia
Inequality, Crime, and the Long Run Legacy of Slavery
Inequidad espacial en la dotación educativa regional en Colombia
Inestabilidad macroeconómica y progreso social
Inflación y finanzas públicas
Inflación y tasas de interés en Colombia
Inflation and Money in Colombia: Another P-Star Model
Inflation Before and After Central Bank Independence: The Case of Colombia
Inflation Targeting and an Optimal Taylor Rule for an Open Economy: Evidence for Colombia 1990-2011
Inflation Targeting Credibility and Sovereign Risk: Evidence From Colombia
Inflation Targeting in Colombia, 2002–12
Inflation Targeting in Latin America: Toward a Monetary Union?
Inflation Targeting Under Asymmetric Preferences
Inflation under a Monetary Framework: Colombia, 1951-1963 [La inflación bajo una perspectiva monetaria: Colombia, 1951-1963]
Influence of Attitudes and Perceptions on Deprivation Cost Functions
Influence of the Acid Type in the Production of Chitosan Films Reinforced with Bacterial Nanocellulose
Influence of University-Related Factors on Students' Entrepreneurial Intentions
Influencing factors of trucking companies willingness to shift to alternative fuel vehicles
Información incompleta y regulación: una introducción
Informal employment and informal housing in Latin America: facts, theory and ideas for a unified framework
Informal housing, spatial structure, and city compactness
Informal Referrals, Employment, and Wages: Seeking Causal Relationships
Informal Sector Under Saving: A positive Analysis of Labour Market Policies
Informalidad empresarial en Colombia
Informalidad empresarial en Colombia: problemas y soluciones
Informalidad laboral en las áreas urbanas de Colombia
Informalidad regional en Colombia. Evidencia y determinantes
Informalidad y subempleo: Un modelo probit bivariado aplicado al Valle del Cauca