Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
- Incentivizing Alternative Fuel Vehicles: The Influence of Transport Policies, Attitudes and Perceptions
- Incidencia del impuesto al valor agregado en los precios en Colombia
- Incidencia del tipo de cambio sobre la enfermedad holandesa de las ganancias de los bienes transables y no transables
- Including Deprivation Costs in Facility Location Models for Humanitarian Relief Logistics
- Income Distribution and Macroeconomics in Colombia
- Income Distribution, Poverty and Social Expenditure in Latin America
- Income Distribution,Human Capital and Economic Growth in Colombia
- Income Inequality and Wealth Concentration in the Recent Crisis
- Income Transfers
- Income-related inequalities and inequities in health and health care utilization in Mexico, 2000 - 2006
- Income-related Underemployment and Labor Market Performance in Colombia [Subempleo por ingresos y funcionamiento del mercado de trabajo en Colombia]
- Increasing Higher Education Access: Supply, Sorting, and Outcomes in Colombia
- Increasing Returns and the Evolution of Violent Crime: the Case of Colombia
- Incrementos y rigideces de los salarios en Colombia: un estudio a partir de una encuesta
- Incumbent and Entrant Response to Regulated Competition: Signaling with Accounting Costs and Market Prices2
- Indicadores de salud
- Indicadores Fiscales
- Índice de precios espacial para la vivienda urbana en Colombia: una aplicación con métodos de emparejamiento
- Índices de precios y deflactores de la tasa de cambio
- Índices de valor unitario y quantum del comercio exterior colombiano
- Indigenous Communities’ Perception Regarding Payments for Environmental Services Programme in Oaxaca Mexico
- Industrialization and Growth: Threshold Effects of Technological Integration
- Industry heterogeneity and exchange rate pass-through
- Industry-level Real Exchange Rate Effects on Colombian Manufacturing Trade Flows [Efectos diferenciales de la tasa de cambio real sobre el comercio manufacturero en Colombia]
- Inefficiency and Bank Failure: A Joint Bayesian Estimation Method of Stochastic Frontier and Hazards Models
- Ineficiencia en la distribución de energía eléctrica: una aplicación de las funciones de distancia estocástica
- Inégalités, mobilité sociale et croissance
- Inequality and Club Formation
- Inequality and Europe 2020
- Inequality and Growth: Some Welfare Calculations