Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
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- How Well Has Latin America Fared During the Global Financial Crisis?
- Human Behavior and the Use of Experiments to Understand the Agricultural, Resource, and Environmental Challenges of the XXI Century
- Human Capital and Growth in Japan: Converging to the Steady State in a 1% World
- Human Capital Externalities and Growth
- Human capital, innovation and productivity in Colombian enterprises: a structural approach using instrumental variables
- Hyman Minsky o la inestabilidad financiera
- I Sell My Vote, and So What? Incidence, Social Bias, and Correlates of Clientelism in Colombia
- IAME 2011 -- Contemporary Studies on Maritime Transport in Latin America
- ICP 2005 Construction Prices: Are They Underestimated in Developing Countries?
- ICT and Productivity in Service Industries in Colombia
- Identification of Individual Demands from Market Data under Uncertainty
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- Identification of water stress conditions in olive trees through frequencies of trunk growth rate
- Identifying Central Bank Liquidity Super-spreaders in Interbank Funds Networks
- Identifying Industry Clusters In Colombia Based On Graph Theory
- Identifying Interbank Loans, Rates, and Claims Networks from Transactional Data
- Identifying the Determinants of Mortgage Default in Colombia between 1997 and 2004
- Identifying The Effects Of Simultaneous Monetary Policy Shocks
- Identifying Victims of Civil Conflicts: An Evaluation of Forced Displaced Households in Colombia
- Ideological ambiguity and political spectrum
- Illegal Gold Mining and Violence in Colombia
- Illicit Activity and Money Laundering from an Economic Growth Perspective: A Model and an Application to Colombia
- Impact Evaluation of Investments in the Appalachian Region
- Impact of Electricity Generation Reliability on the Colombian Spot Price [Efectos del cargo por confiabilidad sobre el precio spot de la energía eléctrica en colombia]
- Impact of Microfinance on Schooling: Evidence from Poor Rural Households in Bolivia
- Impact of US Uncertainties on Emerging and Mature Markets: Evidence from a Quantile-vector Autoregressive Approach
- Impact of Violent Crime on Risk Aversion: Evidence from the Mexican Drug War
- Impact Oriented Monitoring: A New Methodology for Monitoring and Evaluation of International Public Health Research Projects
- Impacto de la intervención cambiaria y su duración