Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
- Does the Use of Foreign Currency Derivatives Affect Firms' Market Value? Evidence from Colombia
- Dolarizar, flotar, callar
- Dollar' Debt in Colombian Firms: are Sinners Punished During Devaluations?
- Domestic Violence Against Rural Women in Colombia: The Role of Labor Income
- Domestic violence, decision-making power, and female employment in Colombia
- Dominant Currency Paradigm
- Dominio tecnológico en una economía abierta
- Dos modelos del transporte de carga por carretera
- Dos pasos adelante y uno atrás: 35 años de reformas estructurales en Colombia
- Durable Goods, Inter-sectoral Linkages and Monetary Policy
- Duración del desempleo de los jóvenes y los "ninis" en Cali, Colombia
- Dutch Disease Exchange Rate Incidence over Profits of Traded and Nontraded Goods
- Dynamic capital structure under changing market conditions in the oil industry: An empirical investigation
- Dynamic Censored Regression and the Open Market Desk Reaction Function
- Dynamic Effects of the Minimum Wage on Informality in Colombia
- Dynamic Pricing and Asymmetries in Retail Gasoline Markets: What can They Tell us About Price Stickiness?
- Dynamic Relations between Oil and Stock Market Returns: A Multi-country Study
- Dynamic Relations Between Oil and Stock Markets: Volatility Spillovers, Networks and Causality
- Dynamic Response to Monetary Shocks in a Search Model of the Labor Market
- Dynamic selection of Gram–Charlier expansions with risk targets: an application to cryptocurrencies
- Dynamic Spillovers between REITs and Stock Markets in Global Financial Markets
- Dynamic Variable Selection in Dynamic Logistic Regression: an Application to Internet Subscription
- Early Neoclassical Views on Monopoly: The Cournotian Heritage
- Early Warning Indicators for Latin America
- Earnings management to avoid losses: Evidence in non-listed Colombian companies
- Echoes of the Crises in Spain and US in the Colombian Labor Market: a Differences in Differences Approach
- Economía subterránea en Colombia 1976-2003: una medición a partir de la demanda de efectivo
- Economías de escala en los hogares y la pobreza
- Economías de escala, Markups y determinantes del cambio técnico en la industria en Colombia
- Economic and Social Convergence in Colombia