Can Facebook Ads and Email Messages Increase Fiscal Capacity? Experimental Evidence from Venezuela
Can Institutions or Education Explain World Poverty? An Augmented Solow Model Provides some Insights
Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits?
Can Television Bring Down a Dictator? Evidence from Chile’s “No” Campaign
Can We Stay One Step Ahead Of Cheaters? A Field Experiment In Proctoring Online Open Book Exams
Canadian Inflation Targeting
Capabilities and Investment in R&D: An Analysis on European Data
Capital Accumulation, Unemployment, and the Putty-Clay
Capital controls, domestic macroprudential policy and the bank lending channel of monetary policy
Capital Flows, Natural Resources and the Dutch Disease: The Colombian Case [Flujos de capital, recursos naturales y enfermedad holandesa: El caso colombiano]
Capital social e ingreso de los hogares del sector urbano en Colombia
Capital theory and the Origins of the Elasticity of Substitution (1932-35)
CAPM Performance in the Caracas Stock Exchange from 1992 to 1998
Características estadísticas del índice general de la Bolsa de Valores de Colombia (IGBC) en sus primeros 10 años
Características socioeconómicas y consistencia en la toma de decisiones
Características, determinantes e impacto de las exportaciones en Colombia: resultados a nivel de firma
Caracterización macro de la política fiscal en Colombia y postura frente a la crisis global (2008-2009)
Caracterización y comparación del mercado OTC de valores en Colombia
Carbon Leakage from Geological Storage Sites: Implications for Carbon Trading
Carreteras y red eléctrica en Colombia, 1945 - 1990
Carry Trade Incentives and Turbulence in the Foreign Exchange Market in Colombia
Cartagena: Entre el progreso industrial y el rezago social
Cash and Ballots: Conditional Transfers, Political Participation, and Voting Behavior
Cash flow investment, external funding and the energy transition: Evidence from large US energy firms
Cash incentives avert deforestation
Cash Remains Top-of-wallet! International Evidence from Payment Diaries
Catastrophic health‐care payments and multidimensional poverty: Are they related?
Catch Uncertainty and Reward Schemes in a Commons Dilemma: an Experimental Study
CDS relación con índices accionarios y medida de riesgo
Center-based Care for Infants and Toddlers: The AEIOTU Randomized Trial