Central Bank Economic Research: Output, Demand, Productivity, and Relevance
Central Bank Strategic Forecasting
Central Bankers in Government Appointed Committees
Centralized And Decentralized Management Of Local Common Pool Resources In The Developing World: Experimental Evidence From Fishing Communities In Colombia
Challenges in Assessing the Effectiveness of Financial Education Programs: The Colombian Case [Desafios na avaliação da efetividade de programas de educação financeira] [Retos en la evaluación de la efectividad de programas de educación financiera]
Changes in GDP's Measurement Error Volatility and Response of the Monetary Policy Rate: Two Approaches
Changes in Mobility and Socioeconomic Conditions During the COVID-19 Outbreak
Changes in Prudential Policy Instruments - A New Cross-Country Database
Changes in social norms during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic across 43 countries
Changes in the School Effect in Colombia: A Multilevel Approach
Changes in the Structure of Urban Wages in Colombia, 1984-2000
Channeling Remittances to Education: A Field Experiment among Migrants from El Salvador
Chapter 9 The River Plate Basin - A Comparison of Port Devolution Processes on the East Coast of South America
Characterization and Comparison of the OTC Security Market in Colombia [Caracterización y comparación del mercado otc de valores en Colombia]
Characterization of Bidding Behavior in Multi-Unit Auctions
Characterizations of Pareto-Efficient, Fair, and Strategy-Proof Allocation Rules in Queueing Problems
Characterizing electricity market integration in Nord Pool
Chasing votes with the public budget
Child Care Choices and Children's Cognitive Achievement: The Case of Single Mothers
Children, Dynastic Altruism and the Wealth of Nations
Choques de precios de materia primas, inflación y política monetaria óptima: el caso de Colombia
Choques externos y precios de los activos en Latinoamérica antes y después de la quiebra de Lehman Brothers
Choques externos y remesas internacionales en las regiones de Colombia
Choques grandes / Choques pequeños: Evidencia del Log (IPC) e inflación colombianos
Choques internacionales reales y financieros y su impacto sobre la economía colombiana
Choques, instituciones laborales y desempleo en Colombia
Ciclo cafetero y comportamiento macroeconómico en Colombia 1940 - 1987 (Continuación)
Ciclo Cafetero y comportamiento macroeconómico en Colombia, 1940-1987
Ciclo financiero global, flujos de capital y respuestas de política
Ciclos de crédito, liquidez global y regímenes monetarios: una aproximación para América Latina