Artículo RDF
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- Más ...
- A Structural Model of Crime and Inequality in Colombia
- A Structural Model to Evaluate the Transition from Self-Commitment to Centralized Unit Commitment
- A supervised clustering MCMC methodology for large categorical feature spaces
- A Tale of a Tool: The Impact of Sims’s Vector Autoregressions on Macroeconometrics
- A tale of two coffees? Analysing interaction and futures market efficiency
- A Taxonomy of Colombia’s Informal Labor Market
- A Theoretical Approach To Sterilized Foreign Exchange Intervention
- A Virtuous Circle? The Effects of University–Industry Relationships in a Region with Low Absorptive Capacity
- A within-subject Analysis of other-Regarding Preferences
- Accesibilidad geográfica a los servicios de salud: un estudio de caso para Barranquilla
- Access to Finance for Innovation: the Role of Venture Capital and the Stock Market
- Accountability in International Governance and the 2030 Development Agenda
- Accounting for Stochastic Variables in Discrete Choice Models
- Acing the test: Educational effects of the SaberEs test preparation program in Colombia
- Actividad industrial y apertura: los casos de Antioquia y Valle
- Actividades religiosas en Bucaramanga: una aproximación desde la economía
- Acumulación de capital humano y gasto público en educación: un modelo de generaciones traslapadas para Colombia
- Adaptation To Climate Change: A Review Through A Development Economics Lens
- Adjusting the Labour Supply to Mitigate Violent Shocks: Evidence from Rural Colombia
- Advanced Technology Adoption: Selection or Causal Effects?
- Affine Term Structure Models: Forecasting the Yield Curve for Colombia
- Afinidades violentas: la evolución de la red de narcotraficantes del norte del Valle
- Afrocolombianos, discriminación y segregación espacial de la calidad del empleo para Cali
- Age patterns of under-5 mortality in sub-Saharan Africa during 1990‒2018: A comparison of estimates from demographic surveillance with full birth histories and the historic record
- Agglomeration Economies in the Presence of an Informal Sector: the Colombian Case
- Aglomeración industrial en el área metropolitana de Bogotá D.C
- Agricultural Production Amid Conflict: Separating the Effects of Conflict into Shocks and Uncertainty
- Agricultural Productivity, Structural Change, and Economic Growth in Post-Reform China
- Agriculture and Aggregation
- Ahorro e inversión en Colombia