Economy and Equity in National Development Plan 2010-2014: Prosperity for All. More jobs, Less Poverty and more Safety [Economía y equidad en el plan nacional de desarrollo 2010-2014: Prosperidad para todos. Más empleo, menos pobreza y más seguridad]

Publicado en

  • Revista de Economía Institucional


  • This article analyzes the basis of the 2010-2014 Development Plan of Colombia considering three notions of equity: intergenerational, social and regional. The scope of each is limited. Intergenerational equity considers savings from a financial perspective, disregarding that the current investment may be a better form of protective against future uncertainty. Social equity gives undue importance to competitiveness and productivity, ignoring the potential of the Keynesian employment creation and, especially, of the positive impact on income distribution and wealth in the fight against poverty. On the other hand, regional equity, the innovative part of the Plan, falls short because, under the definition of regions, it ignores gravitational potential of the interactions between large cities and their surroundings. © 2011 Revista de Economía Institucional.

fecha de publicación

  • 2011

Líneas de investigación

  • Convergence
  • Equity
  • Regional Development

Página inicial

  • 303

Última página

  • 326


  • 13


  • 24