Documento de trabajo RDF
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- Más ...
- Forward Guidance with an Escape Clause: When Half a Promise is Better than a Full One
- Forward looking loan provisions: Credit supply and risk-taking
- Forward looking loan provisions: Credit supply and risk-taking
- Forward looking loan provisions: Credit supply and risk-taking
- Forward Looking Loan Provisions: Credit Supply and Risk-taking
- Forward Looking Loan Provisions: Credit Supply and Risk-Taking
- Foundations of the WVU Econometric Input-Output Model
- Fragilidad bancaria en Colombia: un análisis basado en las hojas de balance
- Fragments on Black Swan: Money, Credit and Finance in the Arcades Project of Walter Benjamin
- Frames of Governance: Comparing Institutional Arrangements over the Policy Space
- Framing the Valuation of Ecosystem Services: A Theoretical Discussion of the Challenges and Opportunities Associated with Articulating Values that Reflect the Economic Contributions of Ecological Phenomena
- Freeing Financial Education via Tablets: Experimental Evidence from Colombia
- Freight Rates and the Margins of Intra Latin American Maritime Trade
- Friend or Foe?: Foreign Investors and the Liquidity of Six Asian Markets
- From Institutions to Financial Development and Growth: What Are the Links?
- From Sets of Equilibria to Structures of Interaction Underlying Binary Games of Strategic Complements
- From Strong Leadership to Active Community Engagement: Effective Resistance to Illicit Economies in Afro Colombian Collective Territories
- From the Pandemic to the Pitch. Unraveling COVID-19's Effect on Workers' Performance
- Fuentes de Energía Renovable, Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos y Almacenamiento en Colombia: una revisión de la normatividad
- Fuentes renovables no convencionales y redes inteligentes en Brasil y Chile
- Funciones de producción, cambio técnico y crecimiento
- Funding Liquidity without Banks: Evidence from a Shock to the Cost of Very Short Term Debt
- Fuzzy Difference-in-Discontinuities: Identification Theory and Application to the Affordable Care Act
- FX Intervention and Domestic Credit: Evidence from High Frequency Micro Data
- FX intervention and domestic credit: Evidence from high-frequency micro data
- Game Theory on Strategic Communication: An Approach from Thomas S. Schelling
- Gang Rule: Understanding And Countering Criminal Governance
- Gasping for Air: Soccer Players’ Performance at High Altitude
- Gasto estatal y administración de justicia en Colombia
- Gasto Público Social y Crecimiento Económico: Evidencia para América Latina 1990 – 2017