Documento de trabajo
Empowering Migrants: Impacts of a Migrant's Amnesty on Crime Reports
Empresas Promotoras de Salud en Colombia: Gestión del riesgo en salud, eficiencia técnica y solidez financiera
En Colombia 1984-2000: ¿quién gana más?, ¿quién pierde más?
Encadenamientos regionales en Colombia, 2004 - 2012
Encajes bancarios y la estrategia de inflación objetivo
Encuesta longitudinal colombiana de la Universidad de los Andes, ELCA 2013
End-of-Conflict Deforestation: Evidence from Colombian’s Peace Agreement
Ending Ecoservices Payments Does Not Crow Out Lab-in-the Field Forest Conservation
Endogenous Labor Supply in an Estimated New-Keynesian Model: Nominal versus Real Rigidities
Endogenous Skill Biased Technical Change: Testing for Demand Pull Effect
Endogenous Social influence in an Experimental Dilemma Game
Endogenous Taxation in Ongoing Internal Conflict: The Case of Colombia
Endogenous TFP and Cross-Country Income Differences
Endogenous TFP and Cross-Country Income Differences
Energy Efficiency and Mobility: A Toadmap Towards a Greener Economy in Latin America and the Caribbean
Energy Efficiency Development in the German and Colombian Energy Intensive Sectors: A Non-Parametric Analysis
Energy Efficiency Developments in the Manufacturing Industries of Germany and Colombia, 1998-2005
Energy Efficiency in the Automotive Industry Evidence from Germany and Colombia
Energy Firms in Emerging Markets: Systemic Risk and Diversification Opportunities
Energy Saving Innovations, Non Exhaustible Sources of Energy and Long Run: What Would Happen if We Run Out of Oil
Energy Transition in France to Incorporate Non-conventional Energy Sources and Smart Grids
Energy Transition in Germany and Integration of Non-conventional Energy Sources
Energy Use and Energy Efficiency Development in the German and Colombian Textile Industries
Enfermedad holandesa y exportaciones de banano en el Caribe Colombiano, 1910- 1950
Enrollment and Quality Levels of Colombia’s Public Basic Education: Has Fiscal Decentralization Improved Them?
Enrollment, graduation, and dropout rates in Latin America: is the glass half empty or half full?
Entender y combatir el crimen: modelo de comportamiento criminal basado en la provisión de información
Entendiendo, modelando y pronosticando el efecto de “El Niño” sobre los precios de los alimentos: El caso Colombiano
Entendiendo, modelando y pronosticando los efectos de "El Niño" sobre los precios de los alimentos: El caso colombiano
Entorno e iniciativa emprendedora: una perspectiva institucional