Documento de trabajo RDF
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- Export Market Size Matters: The effect of the market size of export destinations on manufacturing growth
- Export, R&D and New Products
- Export, R&D and New Products. A Model and a Test on European Industries
- Exportaciones no tradicionales de Colombia
- Exportaciones no tradicionales en Colombia y sus determinantes
- Exposure to Daily Price Changes and Inflation Expectations
- External Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation Performance: The Role of Managerial Practices
- External Knowledge Sourcing Strategies and In-House R&D Activities: Their Effects on Firms' Innovative Performance
- External Shocks and Asset Prices in Latin America before and after Lehman Brothers’ Bankruptcy
- External Threats, Political Stability and Fiscal Capacity
- Externalidades de red en una economía con tres idiomas
- Externalities of extreme natural disasters on local tax capacity
- Extracting Low-cost Signals of Quality Control in Community Pharmacies: A Simulated Client Study in Bogotá
- Extracting the Sovereigns’ CDS Market Hierarchy: A Correlation-filtering Approach
- Extreme Events and Optimal Monetary Policy
- Extreme events and optimal monetary policy
- Extreme Weather Events and High Colombian Food Prices: A Non-Stationary Extreme Value Approach
- Fábula y trama en el relato de la convergencia
- Facebook Causes Protests
- Facebook Causes Protests
- Facebook Causes Protests
- Factor Adjustments after Deregulation: Panel Evidence from Colombian Plants
- Factor Analysis of a Large DSGE Model
- Factor Reallocation and Growth: What If There Are Labor Saving Innovations?
- Factor Saving Innovations and Factor Income Shares
- Factor Shares at the Sector Level, Colombia, 1990-2005
- Factor Shares, Income Distribution and Capital Flows
- Factor Shares, Inequality and Capital Flows
- Factores políticos e institucionales asociados a la corrupción en gobiernos subnacionales en Colombia
- Factores políticos e institucionales asociados a la corrupción en gobiernos subnacionales en Colombia