Publicaciones en RIEC


Uribe, Jorge Mario  |  Associate Professor


I am an Associate Professor (Agregado Doctor) at the Faculty of Economics and Business at Universitat Oberta de Catalunya and a Research Associate at the Riskcenter of the University of Barcelona. I have been a visiting scholar in the Swiss Institute of Banking and Finance of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), visiting lecturer in the Master of Statistics and Operations Research run jointly by Polytechnic University of Catalonia and University of Barcelona, and I have worked for the Financial Stability Division of the Central Bank of Colombia and the Colombian National Planning Agency. My research interests are: Financial Markets (with a focus on international finance, empirical asset pricing and risk analysis) and Energy Markets (particularly electricity, oil, and funding mechanisms for variable renewable generation).
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publicaciones seleccionadas

Líneas de investigación

  • Asset Pricing and Firm Valuation
  • Energy Markets
  • Risk Management

Educación y Formación

  • Doctorado en Economía - University of Barcelona

Último título obtenido

  • Doctor

nombre completo

  • Jorge Mario
  • Uribe

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