Systemic Risk in the Colombian Stock Market: Diversification alternatives under extreme events. [Riesgo sistémico en el mercado de acciones colombiano: Alternativas de diversificación bajo eventos extremos.]

Publicado en

  • Cuadernos de Economía (Colombia)


  • The coefficients of tail dependence, based on copulas, are proposed as a measure for portfolio risk management. Some aspects of the macro and microstructures of the Colombian stock market are described. Such features encourage the use of measures, such as the one proposed herein. The application of the proposed methodology to the fourteen most liquid shares in the study period (2007-2012) was derived from some diversification recommendations under extreme events. The main conclusion, based on the starting hypothesis, relates the evidence of high vulnerability in the Colombian stock market to an event of systemic risk.

fecha de publicación

  • 2014

Líneas de investigación

  • Asymptotic Dependence
  • Colombian Stock Market
  • Extreme Events
  • Risk Diversification
  • Structure of Colombian Stock Market

Página inicial

  • 613

Última página

  • 634


  • 33


  • 63