Materia de A self-funding reward mechanism for tax compliance Artículo A within Subject Analysis of Other Regarding Preferences Documentos de trabajo A within-subject Analysis of other-Regarding Preferences Artículo Adverse Selection vs Discrimination Risk with Genetic Testing: An Experimental Approach Documentos de trabajo Anti-social norms Documentos de trabajo Anti-social norms Documentos de trabajo Are we more Wearful than Greedy? Outbounding the Incentives to Defect in Cooperation Dilemmas Documentos de trabajo Características socioeconómicas y consistencia en la toma de decisiones Artículo Commons without Tragedy: Sampling Dynamics and Cooperative Resource Extraction Documentos de trabajo Cooperation under Fear, Greed and Prison: The Role of Redistributive Inequality in the Evolution of Cooperation Documentos de trabajo Cooperativeness and Competitiveness in Children Documentos de trabajo Crime-related Exposure to Violence and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Bogotá Documentos de trabajo Crime-related Exposure to Violence and Social Preferences: Experimental Evidence from Bogotá Documentos de trabajo Do Negative Economic Shocks Affect Cognitive Function, Adherence to Social Norms and Loss Aversion? Documentos de trabajo Do Single Sex Classes Affect Achievement?: A Study in a Coeducational University Documentos de trabajo Do Single Sex Classes Affect Exam Scores?: An Experiment in a Coeducational University Documentos de trabajo Do Single-Sex Classes Affect Achievement? An Experiment in a Coeducational University Documentos de trabajo Do negative economic shocks affect cognitive function, adherence to social norms and loss aversion Artículo Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It's a matter of timing Artículo Does free information provision crowd out costly information acquisition? It’s a matter of timing Documentos de trabajo Expertos, Pares y Galletas de la Fortuna: Evidencia Experimental del Rol del Consejo en la Toma de Decisiones de Inversión Documentos de trabajo Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden Artículo Gender Differences in Competitiveness and Risk Taking: Comparing Children in Colombia and Sweden Documentos de trabajo Gender Differences in Risk Aversion: Do Single Sex Environments Affect their Development? Documentos de trabajo Gender Differences in Risk Aversion: Do Single-sex Environments Affect their Development? Artículo Gender and Cooperation in Children: Experiments in Colombia and Sweden Documentos de trabajo Guns, pets, and strikes: an experiment on identity and political action Documentos de trabajo How Does it Feel to Be Part of the Minority?: Impacts of Perspective Taking on Prosocial Behavior Documentos de trabajo How is the Trade off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing?: Theory and Experiment Documentos de trabajo How is the Trade-off between Adverse Selection and Discrimination Risk Affected by Genetic Testing? Theory and Experiment Artículo In Someone Else’s Shoes : Promoting Prosocial Behavior Through Perspective Taking Documentos de trabajo In transparency we trust an experimental study of reputation, transparency, and signaling Artículo Is it My Money or Not? An Experiment on Risk Aversion and the House-money Effect Artículo It´s not My Money: An Experiment on Risk Aversion and the House Money Effect Documentos de trabajo Justicia de Mano Propia: Un Experimento de Castigos de Terceros Documentos de trabajo Médecine personnalisée, tests génétiques et assurance santé : une tension exacerbée entre antisélection et discrimination des risques Artículo Negative Income Shocks, COVID, and Trust Documentos de trabajo Never Retreat, Never Surrender: The Bargaining Power of Commitment in the Hawk-Dove Game Documentos de trabajo Personal safety first: Do workers value safer jobs? Artículo Physicians’ Incentives to Adopt Personalised Medicine: Experimental Evidence Documentos de trabajo Physicians’ Incentives to Adopt Personalized Medicine: Experimental Evidence Artículo Physicians’ Incentives to Adopt Personalized Medicine: Experimental Evidence Documentos de trabajo Pro-social Behavior in the Global Commons: A North-South Experiment Documentos de trabajo Risk Attitudes and Economic Well-being in Latin America Artículo Risk Attitudes and Well-being in Latin America Documentos de trabajo Self-Selection Into Corruption: Evidence from The Lab Artículo Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab Documentos de trabajo Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab Documentos de trabajo Self-Selection into Corruption: Evidence from the Lab Documentos de trabajo Should We Tax or Let Firms Trade Emissions? An Experimental Analysis with Policy Implications for Developing Countries Documentos de trabajo Stable Sampling Equilibrium in Common Pool Resource Games Artículo The Democratic Peace: An Experimental Test of a Causal Relation and of Underlying Mechanisms Documentos de trabajo The trade-off between liquidity and insurance: voucher payments in a lab-in-the-field experiment with Colombian rural workers Documentos de trabajo The trade-off between liquidity and insurance: voucher payments in a lab-in-the-field experiment with Colombian rural workers Documentos de trabajo To segregate, or to discriminate - that is the question: experiment on identity and social preferences Documentos de trabajo To segregate, or to discriminate – that is the question: experiment on identity and social preferences Documentos de trabajo What Job Would You Apply to?: Findings on the Impact of Language on Job Searches Documentos de trabajo Why Do Environmental Taxes Work Better in Developed Countries? Documentos de trabajo