C93 - Experimentos de campo
Materia de
Aspirations, Prospect Theory and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Aspirations, Prospect Theory and entrepreneurship: Evidence from Colombia Artículo
Attitudes and Attributes: A Field Experiment with Public Officials and Transfer Recipients in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Beyond Short-Term Learning Gains: The Impact Of Outsourcing Schools In Liberia After Three Years Artículo
Beyond Short-term Learning Gains: The Impact of Outsourcing Schools in Liberia after Three Years Documentos de trabajo
Broken windows policing and crime: Evidence from 80 Colombian cities Capítulo
Building inclusive institutions in polarized scenarios Artículo
Building trust in the police: Evidence from a multi-site experiment in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
CSI in the tropics Experimental evidence of improved public service delivery through coordination Documentos de trabajo
CSI in the tropics. Experimental evidence of improved public service delivery through coordination Documentos de trabajo
CSI in the tropics: Experimental evidence of improved public service delivery through coordination Documentos de trabajo
Can Co-Management Improve the Governance of a Common Pool Resource?: Lessons from a Framed Field Experiment in a Marine Protected Area in the Colombian Caribbean Documentos de trabajo
Can Facebook Ads and Email Messages Increase Fiscal Capacity?: Experimental Evidence from Venezuela Documentos de trabajo
Can Outsourcing Improve Liberia’s Schools?: Preliminary Results from Year One of a Three Year Randomized Evaluation of Partnership Schools for Liberia Documentos de trabajo
Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? Artículo
Can SMS Technology Improve Low Take-up of Social Benefits? Documentos de trabajo
Centralized and Decentralized Management of Local Common Pool Resources in the Developing World: Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Channeling Remittances to Education: A Field Experiment Among Migrants from El Salvador Documentos de trabajo
Communication Networks in Common-Pool Resource Games: Field Experimental Evidence Artículo
Communication Networks in Common-Pool Resource Games: Field Experimental Evidence Documentos de trabajo
Community Mobilization Around Social Dilemmas: Evidence from Lab Experiments in Rural Mali Documentos de trabajo
Congruent Behavior without Interpersonal Commitment: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Game Documentos de trabajo
Consumers as VAT "evaders": incidence, social bias, and correlates in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Consumers as VAT “Evaders”: Incidence, Social Bias, and Correlates in Colombia Artículo
Context Dependent Cheating: Experimental Evidence from 16 Countries Documentos de trabajo
Derretimiento y retroceso glaciar: entendiendo la percepción de los hogares agrícolas que se enfrentan a los desafíos del cambio climático Documentos de trabajo
Designing Effective Teacher Performance Pay Programs: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania Artículo
Designing Effective Teacher Performance Pay Programs: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania Documentos de trabajo
Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forest Artículo
Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forests Documentos de trabajo
Do Firms Redline Workers? Documentos de trabajo
Do Single-sex Classes Affect Academic Achievement? An Experiment in a Coeducational University Artículo
Do firms redline workers? Artículo
Does Scarcity Exacerbate the Tragedy of the Commons?: Evidence from Fishers´ Experimental Responses Documentos de trabajo
Empowering IDPs with SMS: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Bogota Documentos de trabajo
Factorial Designs, Model Selection, and (Incorrect) Inference in Randomized Experiments Documentos de trabajo
Favoring Your In-Group Can Harm Both Them and You: Ethnicity and Public Goods Provision in China Documentos de trabajo
Favoring your in-group can harm both them and you: Ethnicity and public goods provision in China Artículo
Fisheries, Fish Pollution and Biodiversity: Choice Experiments with Fishermen, Traders and Consumers Artículo
Fisheries, Fish Pollution and Biodiversity: Choice experiments with Fishermen, Traders and Consumers Documentos de trabajo
Gender, Education and Reciprocal Generosity: Evidence from 1,500 Experiment Subjects Documentos de trabajo
Helping the Helpers: Altruism as a Rational Choice of Donors to a Students Voluntary Organization Documentos de trabajo
Honesty after a Labor Relationship Documentos de trabajo
Human Behavior and the Use of Experiments to Understand the Agricultural, Resource, and Environmental Challenges of the XXI Century Artículo
I Evade Taxes, and So What?: A New Database and Evidence from Colombia Documentos de trabajo
I Sell My Vote, and So What? Incidence, Social Bias, and Correlates of Clientelism in Colombia Artículo
I Sell My Vote, and So What?: A New Database and Evidence from Colombia Documentos de trabajo
I sell my vote, and so what? Incidence, social bias, and correlates of clientelism in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Identificar la incidencia de la estratificación socioeconómica urbana sobre la segregación de los hogares bogotanos Documentos de trabajo
Information and Symptoms Assessment in Community Pharmacies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Audit Study in Colombia Artículo
Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities in Education: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania Artículo
Inputs, Incentives, and Complementarities in Education: Experimental Evidence from Tanzania Documentos de trabajo
Institutional Heterogeneity in Social Dilemma Games: A Bayesian Examination Documentos de trabajo
Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment Documentos de trabajo
Management of common pool resources in a nation-wide experiment Artículo
Management of common pool resources in a nation-wide experiment Documentos de trabajo
Mise en place d’une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie Artículo
Pandemia del Covid-19 y salud mental en Colombia: un análisis de riesgos competitivos Documentos de trabajo
Pasos metodológicos de un diseño experimental para medir capital social y acción colectiva en seis ciudades latinoamericanas Documentos de trabajo
Place-Based Interventions at Scale: The Direct and Spillover Effects of Policing and City Services on Crime [Clustering as a Design Problem] Artículo
Positive Discrimination, Stereotyping and Segregation Documentos de trabajo
Preferences for Government Enforcement of a Common Pool Harvest Quota: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Fishing Communities in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Price Discrimination in Informal Labor Markets in Bogotá: An Audit Experiment During the 2018 FIFA World Cup Artículo
Price Discrimination in Informal Labor Markets in Bogotá: An Audit Experiment During the 2018 FIFA World Cup Documentos de trabajo
Price Discrimination in Informal Labor Markets in Bogotá: An Audit Experiment During the 2018 FIFA World Cup Documentos de trabajo
Processing Data from Social Dilemma Experiments: A Bayesian Comparison of Parametric Estimators Documentos de trabajo
Promoting in-person attendance for early childhood services after the COVID-19 pandemic using text messages Documentos de trabajo
Real Wealth and Experimental Cooperation: Evidence from Field Experiments Documentos de trabajo
Real Wealth and Experimental Cooperation: Experiments in the Field Lab Artículo
Reducing Alcohol-Related Violence: A Field Experiment with Bartenders Documentos de trabajo
Retos de la integración en comunidades retornadas. Análisis del caso de Las Palmas, San Jacinto, Bolívar Documentos de trabajo
Risk Attitudes and Economic Well-being in Latin America Artículo
Risk Attitudes and Well-being in Latin America Documentos de trabajo
Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks Artículo
Risk Pooling, Risk preferences, and Social Networks Documentos de trabajo
Sobre algunos efectos sociales y cognitivos de la restitución de tierras Documentos de trabajo
Social Norms and Behavior in the Local Commons as Seen Through the Lens of Field Experiments Artículo
Social Preferences Among the People of Sanquianga in Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Socioeconomic Stratification and Stereotyping: Lab in the Field Evidence from Colombia Artículo
The Daily Grind: Cash Needs and Labor Supply Artículo
The Hidden Face of Justice: Fairness, Discrimination and Distribution in Transitional Justice Processes Artículo
The Hidden Face of Justice: Fairness, Discrimination and Distribution in Transitional Justice Processes Documentos de trabajo
The Separate Effects of Self-Estimated and Actual Alcohol Intoxication on Risk-Taking: A Field Experiment Documentos de trabajo
The Weak State Trap Documentos de trabajo
The role of local promoters in helping microentrepreneurs engage in digital business training. The case of Expertienda Documentos de trabajo
To Suggest is to Commit? A Common Pool Resource Experiment with Non-enforceable Recommendations Artículo
Trust and Trustworthiness after a Land Restitution Program: Lab-in-the-field Evidence from Colombia Documentos de trabajo
Trust and trustworthiness after a land restitution program: lab-in-the-field evidence from Colombia Artículo
Using Incentivized Games and Networks to Uncover Hidden Impacts: The Case of Community Driven Development Programs Documentos de trabajo
What Motivates Common Pool Resource Users? Experimental Evidence from the Field Artículo
What Motivates Common Pool Resource Users?: Experimental Evidence from the Field Documentos de trabajo
When the State Gives Back: Trust and Trustworthiness after a Land Restitution Program Documentos de trabajo
Within and Between Group Variation of Individual Strategies in Common Pool Resources: Evidence from Field Experiments Documentos de trabajo
¿Pueden la violencia y los trastornos mentales condenar a la población desplazada a una situación de pobreza crónica? Documentos de trabajo
¿Qué traen las personas al juego? Experimentos de campo sobre la cooperación en los recursos de uso común Artículo
Área de investigación de