Capítulo RDF
páginas:- (Real) Behavior Meets (Real) Institutions: Towards a Research Agenda on the Study of the Commons
- A Stepwise Procedure to Determinate a Suitable Scale for the Spatial Delimitation of Urban Slums
- Acueducto y alcantarillado para la inclusión y la transformación social
- Aguachica: municipio agroindustrial del Cesar
- An Empirical Analysis of the Relationship between US and Colombian Long-term Sovereign Bond Yields
- An Evaluation of the Contractionary Devaluation Hypothesis
- An Event Study of COVID-19 Central Bank Quantitative Easing in Advanced and Emerging Economies
- An Introduction to a Symposium on Latin American Monetary Thought: Two Centuries in Search of Originality
- Análisis territorial de la estructura en Colombia, 1905-1985
- Analyzing a Successful Incubator Business Model: The Case of Barcelona Activa
- Antecedentes del Banco de la República, 1904-1922
- Applications to Industrial Organization
- Applications to Industrial Organization
- Applying CoVaR to Measure Systemic Market Risk: the Colombian Case
- Artificial Intelligence, Automation, and Work
- Asimetrías del empleo y el producto, una aproximación de equilibrio general
- Aspectos socioeconómicos de la mortalidad
- Assessing Inflationary Pressures in Colombia
- Auctions
- Auctions
- Auge minero-energético en Colombia : efectos macroeconómicos y respuestas de política fiscal
- Automation and the Workforce: A Firm-Level View from the 2019 Annual Business Survey
- Bajo el signo del cóndor: empresas y empresarios en el Caribe colombiano, 1982-2009
- Beware of Informality
- Bolívar: industrial, agropecuario y turístico
- Breaking the Vicious Circle: Financial Policies for High-Quality Saving
- Broken windows policing and crime: Evidence from 80 Colombian cities
- Burbujas en precios de activos financieros: existencia, persistencia y migración
- Cambios recientes en las principales causas de mortalidad en Colombia
- Capital Crimes: Kidnappings and Corporate Investment in Colombia