Documento de trabajo RDF
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- Más ...
- Muddying the Waters: Who Induces Volatility in an Emerging Market?
- Mujer rural y violencia doméstica en Colombia
- Mujer y movilidad social
- Mujeres en ascenso: Dinámica del sistema educativo y del mercado laboral en Colombia, 1900-2000
- Mujeres rurales jóvenes y migración en Colombia
- Multidimensional Poverty in Colombia, 1997-2010
- Multimarket Spatial Competition in the Colombian Deposit Market
- Multinomial Choice with Social Interactions: Occupations in Victorian London
- Multinominal choice with social interactions: occupations in Victorian London
- Multiplicadores de los impuestos y del gasto público en Colombia: Aproximaciones SVAR y proyecciones locales
- Multiproduct Retailing and Buyer Power: The Effects of Product Delisting on Consumer Shopping Behavior
- Multiproduct Retailing and Buyer Power: The Effects of Product Delisting on Consumer Shopping Behavior
- Multivariate cointegration and temporal aggregation: some further simulation results
- Municipal Fiscal Health in Colombian Main Cities
- Museo de Arte Moderno de Cartagena (MAMC), una colección con 63 años de historia
- Muy tarde pero rentables: los ferrocarriles en Colombia durante el período 1920 - 1950
- Muy tarde pero rentables: Los ferrocarriles en Colombia durante el período 1920-1950
- Myths of drug consumption decriminalization: effects of Portuguese decriminalization on violent and drug use mortality
- Nation Building Through Foreign Intervention: Evidence from Discontinuities in Military Strategies
- National Climate Change Policy: Are the New German Energy Policy Initiatives in Conflict with WTO Law?
- National Culture, Families, or Education Policies: What Determines National Test Scores?
- National Transfer Accounts for Colombia
- Natural Disasters and Clientelism: The Case of Floods and Landslides in Colombia
- Natural Resource Boom and Inequality: Theory and Evidence
- Natural Resource Booms and Inequality: Theory and Evidence
- Natural Resource Booms, Fiscal Rules and Welfare in a Small Open Economy
- Natural Resource Windfalls: Effects in Non-producing Areas
- Natural Resource Windfalls: Effects in Non-producing Areas
- Natural Resource-Seeking FDI Inflows and Current Account Deficits in Commodity-Producing Developing Economies
- Natural Resources and Sovereign Risk in Emerging Economies: A Curse and a Blessing