The Challenges of Latin American Development in the Light of History [Los retos del desarrollo latinoamericano a la luz de la historia]

Publicado en

  • Cuadernos de Economía (Colombia)


  • This paper discusses the challenges of Latin American development in the light of history and of the strong recent changes in the world economic context. This text highlights the mediocre economic performance of the region after the reforms compared to the period of state-led industrialization that preceded it, even though there were positive results in social matters during the last decade. In light of these results and the uncertainties surrounding the global economy, three main challenges arise: to adopt more consistent countercyclical macroeconomic policies, active productive development strategies, and to continue the task of reducing historically high levels of inequality.

fecha de publicación

  • 2015

Líneas de investigación

  • Commodity Inequality
  • Countercyclical Policies
  • Industrialization
  • Latin America

Página inicial

  • 479

Última página

  • 506


  • 34


  • 66