Fallen Angels Effect in the Colombian Stock Market: The Case Study of Interbolsa Events [Efectos de «ángeles caídos» en el mercado accionario colombiano: Estudio de eventos del caso interbolsa]
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Ensayos Sobre Política Económica
In this paper we perform an events study to examine the effects of the announcement of liquidity problems and takeover by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia brokerage firm brokerage Interbolsa SA in November 2012 on the performance of the shares traded on the Stock Exchange Colombia. We use daily data and different time windows for the event, and estimate returns using three alternative models (CAPM, CAPM risk free rate and three-factor model) in which we model the conditional variance using a model EGARCH (1,1). Overall, we found that the event significantly affect the performance of the firms listed on the Stock Exchange on all models and for all time windows used. © 2014 Banco de la República de Colombia.
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Líneas de investigación
Stock Brokerage
Stock Exchange
Study of Events
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