Colombia and Venezuela after de Uruguay Round: Trade Policy Reforms and Institutional Adjustments (2001)


  • Informes de Investigación


  • This chapter discusses Colombia and Venezuela's main trade policy reforms and institutional adjustments resulting from the Uruguay Round Agreements. Its analysis resorts to the Andean Community trade policy framework and selects issues and sectors of particular importance for both countries, like agriculture and auto assembly. It particularly takes into consideration the role of the private sector in shaping these policies, focusing on the institutional framework and practices that mold its participation. The chapter also examines current instruments of trade policy and evaluates the main costs and benefits of WTO commitments for business and government interests. Finally, i discusses the future trade negotiations agenda of the Andean Community and the private sector´s engagement in its design.

fecha de publicación

  • 2001-12

Líneas de investigación

  • Comunidad Andina de Naciones
  • Organización mundial del comercio
  • Política comercial
  • Subsidios


  • 2134