Materia de Anthropometric Measurements by Ethnicity in Colombia, 1965–1990 Artículo Building Social Capital: Conditional Cash Transfers and Cooperation Artículo Capital social e ingreso de los hogares del sector urbano en Colombia Artículo Coordination as an Unintended Benefit: Lab in the Field Evidence from a Conditional Cash Transfer Program Documentos de trabajo Diferencias étnicas en Colombia: una mirada antropométrica Artículo Diferencias étnicas en Colombia: una mirada antropométrica Documentos de trabajo Disentangling Social Capital: Lab in the Field Evidence on Coordination, Networks and Cooperation Documentos de trabajo Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forest Artículo Distance Friction and the Cost of Hunting in Tropical Forests Documentos de trabajo Economic Incentives and Social Preferences: Substitutes or Complements? Artículo Entrepreneurship in Latin America: A Step Up the Social Ladder? Libro Ethnic Groups and Anthropometric Differences in Colombia Documentos de trabajo Externalidades de red en una economía con tres idiomas Documentos de trabajo Homo Æqualis: A Cross-Society Experimental Analysis of Three Bargaining Games Documentos de trabajo Law Abiding Diplomats: Evidence from Diplomatic Parking Tickets in Washington D.C Documentos de trabajo Pasos metodológicos de un diseño experimental para medir capital social y acción colectiva en seis ciudades latinoamericanas Documentos de trabajo Politician Family Networks and Electoral Outcomes: Evidence from the Philippines Artículo Risk Pooling, Risk Preferences, and Social Networks Artículo Social Capital and Social Quilts: Network Patterns of Favor Exchange Artículo The Distance between Perception and Reality in the Social Domains of Life Documentos de trabajo The Relationship between Perceptions of Insecurity, Social Capital and Subjective Well-being: Empirical Evidences from Areas of Rural Conflict in Colombia Artículo To segregate, or to discriminate - that is the question: experiment on identity and social preferences Documentos de trabajo To segregate, or to discriminate – that is the question: experiment on identity and social preferences Documentos de trabajo