Ideological ambiguity and political spectrum

Publicado en

  • Economics of Governance


  • This study examines the relationship between ambiguity and the ideological positioning of political parties across the political spectrum. We identify a strong non-monotonic (inverted U-shaped) relationship between party ideology and ambiguity within a sample of 202 European political parties. This pattern is observed across all ideological dimensions covered in the data. To explain this pattern, we argue that centrist parties are perceived as less risky by voters compared to extremist parties, giving them an advantage in employing ambiguity to attract more voters at a lower cost. We support our explanation with additional evidence from electoral outcomes and economic indicators in the respective party countries.

fecha de publicación

  • 2024

Enfoque geográfico

Líneas de investigación

  • Ambiguity
  • Centrism
  • Extremism
  • Political parties


  • 25


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