Materia de Asymmetric Price Adjustments Under Ever Increasing Costs: Evidence from the Retail Gasoline Market in Colombia Documentos de trabajo Behavioral Insights for Better Public Communication in Health Crisis Documentos de trabajo Consistent Depth of Reasoning in Level-k Models Artículo Crime And Education In A Model Of Information Transmission Artículo Crime and Education in a Model of Information Transmission Documentos de trabajo Differences in Motivations and Academic Achievement Artículo Economic Incentives and Social Preferences: Substitutes or Complements? Artículo El juego de las pirámides Artículo Gender Gaps in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Environmental Degradation in Colombia Documentos de trabajo Herding in Equity Crowdfunding Documentos de trabajo Herding in Equity Crowdfunding Documentos de trabajo Information Policies and Higher Education Choices Experimental Evidence from Colombia Artículo Information Policies and Higher Education Choices Experimental Evidence from Colombia Documentos de trabajo Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment Artículo Institutions Influence Preferences: Evidence from a Common Pool Resource Experiment Documentos de trabajo Learning, Career Paths, and the Distribution of Wages Artículo Motivating Informed Decisions Artículo Motivating Informed Decisions Documentos de trabajo Never ending irregular wars and information: A conjecture Documentos de trabajo Perceived Social Acceptance and Migrants' Financial Inclusion Documentos de trabajo The role of information in collective decisions Documentos de trabajo What is the Value of Desertion? [¿Cuánto vale desertar?] Artículo When Collective Ignorance is Bliss: Theory and Experiment on Voting for Learning Artículo When Ignorance is Bliss: Theory and Experiment on Collective Learning Documentos de trabajo