Resumen This paper studies how different NOx abatement technologies have diffused under the Swedish system of refunded emission payments (REP) and analyzes the determinants of the time to adoption. The policy, under which the charge revenues are refunded back to the regulated firms in proportion to energy output, was explicitly designed to affect investment in NOx-reducing technologies. The main finding is that REP had a significant effect on the adoption of post-combustion technologies. Moreover, we also find some indications that the effects of REP have been enhanced by the existing system of individual emission standards. In particular, the effect of REP speeding up the pace of adoption of post-combustion technologies is considerably larger in those counties where stringent standards are in place. © 2015 Elsevier B.V.
Área temática H23 - Externalidades; Efectos redistributivos; Impuestos y subvenciones medioambientales O33 - Cambio tecnológico: opciones y consecuencias; Difusión O38 - Innovación; investigación y desarrollo (I+D); cambio tecnológico; derechos de propiedad intelectual: Política pública Q52 - Costes del control de la contaminación; Efectos distributivos; Efectos en el empleo
Líneas de investigación Environmental Regulations No Abatement Technologies Refunded Emission Payments Technology Diffusion